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[EPUB] Edison and the Electric Chair || A Story of Light and Death

Name: Edison and the Electric Chair
              A Story of Light and Death

Author : Mark Essig

Table of Contents :

Prologue : Edison on the Witness Stand
Chapter 1 : Early Sparks
Chapter 2 : The Inventor
Chapter 3 : Light
Chapter 4 : Electricity and Life
Chapter 5 : "Down to the Last Penny"
Chapter 6 : Wiring New York
Chapter 7 : The Hanging Ritual
Chapter 8 : The Death Penalty Commission
Chapter 9 : George Westinghouse and the Rise of Alternating Current
Chapter 10 : The Electrical Execution Law
Chapter 11 : "A Desperate Fight"
Chapter 12 : "Criminal Economy"
Chapter 13 : Condemned
Chapter 14 : Showdown
Chapter 15 : The Unmasking of Harold Brown
Chapter 16 : Pride and Reputation
Chapter 17 : The Electric Wire Panic
Chapter 18 : Designing the Electric Chair
Chapter 19 : The Conversion of William Kemmler
Chapter 20 : The First Experiment
Chapter 21 : After Kemmler
Chapter 22 : The End of the Battle of the Currents
Chapter 23 : The Age of the Electric Chair
Epilogue : The New Spectacle of Death

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